Jerry Bingham's Store
"On Wednesday of last week one of the bloodiest tragedies was enacted near Simpsonville... About 40 negro troops were murdered by guerrillas... God help us!"
So begins the diary entry of Julia Travis of Shelbyville, Kentucky.
January 30th, 1865
Limited edition, full-size 24x48” canvas, Giclee, reproductions are now available. This high quality edition will be signed by the artist and numbered to 500.
For an expanded view click on Fine Art Gallery
For inquiries and order information on “5th USCC,” email Jerry at:
"5th USCC"
original: oil on masonite 24x48"
The inspiration for researching the incident came from a website of David E. Brown, chronicling the history of a family member, a soldier of Company E, 5th Regiment Cavaly U.S. Colored Troops, Pvt. Samuel Truehart. David had invested much energy into researching his ancestor and, once I had discovered his story, I found it compelling enough to honor my painting with the title.
(I have given permission for David to display this work on his page and recommend a visit: http://5thuscc.net/)
The title gave added gravitas to the somber work. Since its creation in 2001 the painting has taken a life of its own and become my most respected work to date. It has been sold as giclee canvas prints. It has been reproduced for National Parks programs, by the Kentucky Historical Society and Kentucky Heritage Council, and the 1809-2009 Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial. It has even been used for a section of a bank mural in Texas.
As I have gotten numerous inquiries over the status of this work of art, I have recently approved photography and have gone back to print to once again offer this, The 5th USCC, as a limited edition, full-sized giclee on canvas reproduction of the original.
I wish to thank all those who have taken an interest and appreciate your valuing our history.
Jerry Bingham